Hell, they’ll get bored walking through your park if there’s nothing to look at. Your guests will get bored standing in long lines with nothing to look at. Scenery – Having a park full of scenery is an important part of Planet Coaster.No matter what your guests need, you can provide for them through Shops and Facilities. Some may have forgotten their all mighty wad of cash, and some may have even scraped their knee. Some of them may even need to use the bathroom. Shops and Facilities – Your guests will get hungry and thirsty while visiting the park.

Teacups, carousels, and other, more thrilling rides are found here. They don’t have the same kind of customization as Track Rides or Coasters, but they serve the all important role of giving your park that bit of extra definition.

If you’re a newbie, don’t worry about this. My Blueprints – This is where you can find your custom blueprints - including blueprints downloaded from the Steam Workshop.You can check on your finances, research new rides and shops, set up marketing campaigns, hire new staff, check on your guests, and keep tabs on your attractions. Everything you need to know about managing your park is found here. Park Management – Click this button to pull up the Park Management menu.Options – Pulls up the options menu where you can save or load your game, adjust in-game settings, and exit back to the main menu.Challenges generate after spending a certain amount of time playing with your Challenge Mode park, while Objectives are static throughout each Career Mode scenario. Objectives / Challenges – Objectives are your goals in Career mode, while Challenges are simply optional achievements to work towards while you’re building a park.Allows you to keep track of things like ride breakdowns and guest needs. Notifications – Displays park notifications.Help – Displays a small selection of Planet Coaster‘s basic controls.Notification Center (from top to bottom).Click the image to view in a higher resolution.